目前分類:Food and drink (2)

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Luckily did not have to work on the 13Nov Sunday while having a business trip in Medan.  Spent the morning to play Bedminton and walked around in the local market.  It was a very interesting experience to see what they are selling in the street.  After swimming in the hotel, we did some window shopping in a Shopping Mall.  We found a Ice Skating palyground there and played for around 2 hours.  I remembered the last time I play ice skate was already over 20 years ago.  This time I hardly played as good as those days larr and I could hardly control my fat body to move correctly.  Really tired but still very enjoy the time....

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The new Restaurant in Ma On Shan is not bad actually, except the portion is too small that I have to make some instant noodle myself at home afterward.

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